Know exactly how to handle your relationship for the rest of your life.

I know you feel like youΒ don't know what to do to find happiness in your marriage, but I do and I can show you how you can have a better marriage.Β 

Enroll Now


Know exactly how to handle your relationship for the rest of your life.

I know you feel like youΒ don't know what to do to find happiness in your marriage, but I do and I can show you how you can have a better marriage.Β 


Once upon a time, you felt a soulful, deep and loving connection with your honey.

But these days? That meaningful connection feels more and more out of reach.

Even though the other areas of your life (your career, your business, your achievements) are 5-star quality, the disconnect showing up in parts of your marriage leaves you feeling as though your relationship is more ‘Super 8 Motel’ than ‘Ritz Carlton’ right now.


  • You feel more like roommates than soulmates ( there’s a lot of comfortable friendship, but not a lot of sex), or

  • Your sex life is good but your arguments get nasty and leave you filled with resentment, or

  • The two of you work together well as a team, building a life together, or raising the kids, etc — but you feel unappreciated, unseen and unloved as a woman beyond your role as a mom or efficient roommate

...there’s a part of you that knows something needs to change.

If you’re being honest, you have some ideas about what that ‘something’ is: your partner.

That’s why you do your best to get them to behave differently and do better...because THEN you’ll finally feel more connected.

Except that so far, that strategy is only resulting in having the same fights, over and over.

If you’ve fallen into the trap of believing that your honey needs to change so your marriage can be healthier and happier, it’s not your fault.

Most of the messages around ‘healthy relationships’ come from the idea that "it takes two to tango."

But what we leave out is that no matter what song you are dancing to, someone always LEADS.

What I see with most of my clients is a lot of WAITING for someone ELSE to lead instead of deciding, this is the marriage I want and I am going for it now.

The truth is:

You have much more power and influence within your marriage than you realize

When you learn to manage your own beliefs and behaviors in a self-compassionate and sustainable way, you’ll realize you don’t need to change your partner to deepen the quality of connection in your relationship.

There is a beautiful and powerful theory in Psychology called Systems Theory and the hypothesis is, that when you change one part of any system, you change the entire dynamic of the system.

THIS is what we work on Inside The Marriage MBA. You change how you are showing up and your partner responds to that change.

And when that happens, the smallest tweaks can result in quantum changes.

Changes like:

βœ”οΈ Reigniting the spark and physical attraction you felt when you first met

βœ”οΈ Re-establishing a close connection that feels loving, respectful and FUN

βœ”οΈ Genuinely feeling appreciated by your partner, and also feeling gratitude for who they truly are

βœ”οΈ Transforming your marriage to feel like a safe harbor instead of an extra stressor

Or in the case of one of my clients, deciding to get divorced WHILE having the best relationship she ever had with her husband. They are raising kids together so having a great relationship with him really matters to her. Now she knows how to create and cultivate that for the rest of her life.

None of these shifts are ‘too good to be true’. 

But it does take a particular blend of skills, mindset tools and consistent support to make it your reality…


The Marriage MBA

Build the skills and tools to and deepen the level of connection in your marriage, then use them over and over for the years to come

The Marriage MBA — the Mindset Breakthrough Activator -- is the 6-month group coaching and mentoring program that teaches you the relationship skills you weren’t taught in school.

What you’ll learn inside draws upon cognitive behavioral psychology — how your thoughts and feelings impact your actions and outcomes —  to equip you with the kind of mindset that activates breakthroughs in ANY area of your marriage that feels less than 5-star.

After 6 months inside The Marriage MBA you’ll have the tools and a whole new level of self-knowledge that allows you to:

πŸ’— Create a deeper relationship with yourself and your partner

πŸ’— Know exactly how and when to talk with your partner about touchy subjects without things escalating into nasty arguments

πŸ’— Connect with your partner sexually with joy instead of nervousness or obligation

πŸ’— Create a marriage culture (the way you do things at home) where you speak to each other with genuine love on a regular basis. 

πŸ’— Be who you really want to be in your marriage because you’ve figured out what that actually looks like

“I have new and powerful tools to help me break free from the reoccurring frustrations in our marriage”

I am successful in other areas of my life and knew my marriage had the potential to be so much more.  I ran across Maggie and her podcasts serendipitously.  There was a moment while listening to one of her podcasts when I felt like she was talking directly to me with her message, like looking me in the eye and talking to me!  If a podcast could be this powerful, I knew coaching with Maggie had the potential to be life changing.   

To be honest, when I started, I wanted to find a way to better “manage” my husband. 

Clearly he was in the wrong, right? 

I learned so much about myself and the role I play in our marriage.  I learned the more I let go of the control I wanted to have, the more control I actually had.  I learned to trust myself and the power I have by just being my most true and authentic self.

Maggie creates a safe place to really be your authentic self.  

I was never afraid to share what I was really thinking and feeling.  I always felt she had my best interest at heart no matter what I said to her.  That feeling of safety maximized the opportunity for measurable personal growth.

Now I am far more self-aware. I understand my husband better and how to work together as a team.  

I have new and powerful tools to help me break free from the reoccurring frustrations in our marriage.  

First and foremost, I got what I came for: a healthier and happier marriage.  

Marriage aside, I am a stronger person today than the day I started with Maggie.  

A delightful side effect of this experience was that my personal growth bled into my professional life like chocolate oozing out of a lava cake.  

It was exciting to see, and delicious to dig into.  

- Christine, Buffalo NY

Everything you learn within The Marriage MBA is based on my 4 foundational principles that make up a thriving marriage


Learn to zoom out from what you’re currently experiencing to see what else is also true.
This isn’t about gaslighting, pretending or putting lipstick on a pig. It’s about finding a more loving truth — a more generous and kind way to look at things so they serve you and your marriage.
Within this area, you’ll learn how to self coach so you’re not only able to feel better now, you’ll also have the skills to help yourself feel better for the rest of your life.


You’ll learn how to not only be ‘allies’ with your partner — two people with shared interests — you’ll learn what it takes to be on the same team.
This area not only focuses on your relationship with your partner, but how you partner with yourself and your stress response so you can be the kind of person you want to be in your marriage.
This principle also covers the most powerful, relationship-building way to communicate: a simple five-step process I created called Soul Centered Communication.


Pleasure isn't just sex. Flirting and having fun with each other across the different areas of your life, matters, but pleasure is often the first thing that goes out the window when you’re over‑scheduled, exhausted and overworking.
Are you having fun together? Are you having date nights? Are you laughing? Are you enjoying each other's company?
Together we will figure out what (if anything) is getting in the way so you can experience the full prism of pleasure including enjoying your sexy times.


It’s all too easy to outsource your power to something or someone else (work, other people, obligations, outdated ideas of what marriage should look like).
But, are you on your own to‑do list?
Where are your energy leaks and power leaks and how are they impacting how you show up in your marriage?
What you’ll learn within this principle will teach you how to recognize your personal power and how to give yourself what you need so you can show up in your relationship from a place of sufficiency and desire.
This means you’ll be showing up as the person you want to be because you WANT to, instead of acting from a place of scarcity and dependency. You’ll stop hanging your happiness on your partner’s moods and learn how to stay grounded and centered no matter what is going on around you.

Free yourself from the recurring
frustrations in your marriage.

Once you master these 4 principles, you’ll be able to turn to them over and over again to manage any marriage problem and to continue to thrive long after our 6 months together. 

Enroll Now

“...this magical thing happened: the harder I tried, the harder HE tried!”

I first reached out to Maggie after watching her Marriage Master Class and falling in love with her process. Right away, I identified with how she described the marriage of a type A woman to a type B man - and I KNEW we needed some help.

I wanted to re-establish a close and fun relationship with my husband. I felt like somewhere over the last 17 years - the fun and connection went away! And I desperately wanted it back.

I knew that it HAD to start with ME and my mindset … and with Maggie’s coaching our relationship is back on track.

I now approach my relationship with a gentleness that I would never have been able to access without her help. I am able to be grateful for the things he does RIGHT and work productively on the things that irritate or annoy me.

In doing that, we are closer than ever … and this magical thing happened … the harder I tried … the harder HE tried! Maggie is a JOY to work with. Enthusiastic, loving and kind. I have nothing but the BEST things to say about this phenomenal coach.

- Amanda Hess

During our time together I invite you to focus on answering this ONE question -

What is the BEST relationship I have can have with my partner?Β Do I want that? If it's a yes, you learn to harness and cultivate more of that. If it's a no, you make decisions about what comes next from Grounded, Centered Love instead of resentment and anger.Β 

Here’s what’s included when you join

The Marriage MBA:

6 Months of Support and Community 

My years spent coaching has taught me that this period of time gives you the opportunity to learn these skills and practice new ideas, experiment with new approaches, fall down, get back up again and really anchor the things you learn so they become part of who you are.

I always prioritize creating a judgement-free zone where you feel safe to share your challenges without any filter, and receiving coaching on anything to do with your marriage.

The woman being accepted into this group are here to support you along your journey just as you are supporting them. 


Weekly Group Teaching & Coaching calls

Every week we'll meet on Zoom. These calls are designed to be the highlight of your week - both useful and fun, you can get coached, you will learn from the coaching of the other group members and you will think about your marriage more powerfully than ever before. Hearing someone else get coached and go through their own thought process about what is happening in their relationship can give you new insights you might never have considered for your own marriage. This is one of the most transformative elements of being in a group coaching program.

Private Podcast

Access to your own private podcast to listen back on coaching and training calls at anytime. Get notifications when we audio is ready for you to listen to. Recordings are available within 24-48 hours after our live calls.

Private Member Portal

Within a private Member Portal you will have access to all of our call recordings along with an Orientation Workshop and Emotional Leadership Training  to support you in starting your journey. Within your portal you have access to an Exclusive Reading List that has curated resources providing you with the additional tools and materials to support you in keeping your relationships strong for years to come.

Β Why Leondra decided on the MMBA...


Β HowΒ Angela now has more love in all her relationships...


Why the MMBA is aΒ safe space to talk about your marriage...


“Now I trust myself at a deeper level than ever before, and have what feels like a 5-star marriage.”

When i signed up with Maggie, I thought to myself, "I'm paying for a lifetime of happiness," and that is exactly what it feels like.

I can't believe that I was a well-educated, intelligent 30-something-year-old and nobody had taught me the basic building blocks of a thriving marriage until I met Maggie.

Now I trust myself at a deeper level than ever before, and have what feels like a 5-star marriage.

I couldn't be happier.

Also, what I didn't expect is that I learned how you "do" your marriage is reflective of how you "do" all other relationships in life. It truly is the foundation. And learning how to build a strong marriage has taught me how to build strong relationships everywhere.

That was invaluable.

Maggie models so much wisdom, compassion and sovereignty. She's like the best of a loving big sister, expert coach, and wise witch of the woods combined. Just being in her presence for an hour a week feels like a blessing.

You're not just investing in your marriage, you're investing in your capacity for lifetime happiness, and I can't think of any better use of your money.

- Simone Grace

In case you’re new to my work...

Hi, I’m Maggie Reyes

Maggie Reyes is a Life Coach and Modern Marriage Mentor who specializes in helping driven, ambitious women create the marriages of their dreams , without waiting for their partners to change or adding more work to their lives.

She is the creator of The Marriage MBA Program, a 6 month mentorship in creating a successful marriage using principles from positive psychology, cognitive science and simple coaching tools that you can learn today and apply tomorrow.

Maggie is the author of the best selling "Questions for Couples Journal" and the host of the Top 100 "The Marriage Life Coach Podcast."

When she isn’t teaching or coaching she loves reading obsessing over Bridgerton, reading fan fiction, and watching superhero movies with her hubby. 

“I wasn’t even positive about who I was or if this 2nd marriage was going to make it.”

Two years into my second marriage with several major life changes behind me, I realized that I had lost my confidence, and wasn’t even positive who I was or if this 2nd marriage was going to make it.   

Now, 6 months later, I have my confidence back.  My husband and I don’t fight as much, and when we do find ourselves in a disagreement, it is quickly resolved.   

Not only did my marriage improve, but I was also able to let go of my anger for my ex-husband and my relationship with my teen son is rapidly improving.

I know that I know what to do in most situations and if I don’t know what to do, I have power questions to ask myself that lead me to the right answer.  Life is much less dramatic – I can stay in my lane and chose how I react to situations.  

And my marriage…well, it’s not perfect by any means, but we are about 0.5 stars away from a 5 Star experience.  

Maggie helped me see what I was doing well in my marriage and where I needed to tweak my actions to make major improvements in communication, conflict resolution, and just have more FUN!  

In every session, she was focused on ME and what my needs were and I knew that she always had my best interests in mind.  

If you are considering working with Maggie, do it!  Just having her on your side, working through each issue one by one, will make a major difference in your enjoyment of life!  

- Lisa Hoffman 

One of my superpowers is my ability to uncover the exact insight you need, especially when you can’t see it yourself

You’ll most often experience this in our weekly group coaching together, where you not only receive personalized coaching of your own, but also see your colleagues coached in areas of their thinking they haven’t noticed before too.

This environment and outside point of view will help you discover aspects of yourself that you never knew existed.

You’ll start to give yourself credit for what you’re doing well in your relationship, as well as where you can tweak your mindset to make major improvements in your marriage — so you can communicate better, resolve conflict without resentment, and discover how to have more FUN together.

Enroll Now

“She quickly saw my default thinking and helped me change it.”

Working with Maggie was one of the best decisions I ever made. As someone already familiar with the right things to think and do, I still found myself stuck. 

I knew Maggie was the best person for me because she’s brilliant, insightful and extremely caring. I felt safe handing her my most treasured relationship and saying, “ me please”. 

I found it so helpful to have her as my sounding board to point out how my perspective and way of being was keeping me stuck. She quickly saw my default thinking and helped me change it. As a result I changed my behavior (even when it felt hard) and my marriage improved. 

I felt happier around my husband, learned to stop sweating those little annoyances, and saw all the ways he truly loved and cared for me. She is the BEST cheerleader.

Whenever you feel like you are not doing enough she shows you that you ARE. As a person who’s love language is words of affirmation this meant the world to me.  

She was present with me in some difficult moments and I could feel her positive, supportive, and nurturing energy. The things I practiced and mastered by working with her have been invaluable. I can literally think of no good reason why anyone would not want to work with her.  

Your time with her will be priceless. Saying yes to yourself, your marriage and Maggie’s help can only be a good, no, GREAT thing.

- Dr. Chavonne Perotte

Join the next round of The Marriage MBA

We meet weekly and work together for 6 months starting in the fall.
Investment: A one-time payment of $5,000
Enroll Now

Let me guess...

You’ve made it down here because you’re not quite sure whether The Marriage MBA is the right fit for you.

That’s a great thing to get clarity on before you join. I’m here for you! So let me help you out.

I’ll start by saying The Marriage MBA is NOT the right fit for you if:

❌ You’re separated or in the process of divorce - this is a marriage strengthening program where we focus on cultivating friendship and connection with your partner

❌ You’re not open to discovering the impact and power YOU have in changing your relationship

❌ You’re not ready to prioritize one hour a week to attend our live calls

❌ You are not willing to try new things

❌ You are looking for a "quick fix" or you want me to "save your marriage"

❌ If you are currently in a situation where questioning your thoughts and beliefs would feel so overwhelming to your nervous system that you feel like you might shut down completely, this program might not be the best fit for you.

❌ If you are unable to manage emotional triggers without therapeutic support, this program is not a good fit. The ability to practice emotional self-care independently is necessary to get the most out of the program. For example, in a group setting someone might bring up an infidelity and you hearing that story might activate something in you that requires loving attention. If you can hold yourself lovingly in that moment of activation, you can bring any other questions or support to the coaching. But if being exposed to the stories of other relationships feels overwhelming, then this program is not a good fit. You can always come and enroll when you have worked through that and feel more emotionally steady.

The skills I will teach you will help you for sure, but YOU have to implement them. Imagine we are playing baseball, I can teach you how to hit a home run, but you still have to run the bases yourself. ;-)

On the other hand, The Marriage MBA IS the right fit for you even if…

πŸ’– You’re unsure whether you should stay or leave but either way you want to have a better relationship with your partner while loving yourself even more deeply and notice what IS in your power to improve and strengthen in your relationship with yourself and each other.

πŸ’– Your marriage is not great AND not totally falling apart — somewhere in between, but not heading towards it getting better.

πŸ’– There has been a breach of trust you want to overcome and aren't sure how to do it

πŸ’– There are problems that you don't really talk about and you want it to be better but you don’t know what to do next

πŸ’– There’s a part of you that’s still wondering if this program will really work if it’s just YOU doing the work (it absolutely does!)

πŸ’– You’re simply excited to feel better in your marriage

πŸ’– You still love your partner but have days when you don’t like your honey that much

πŸ’– You’re thinking, “oh dear, I have so much more than what a simple mindset shift can fix”

πŸ’– You’re worried that joining will mean that you’re making a problem out of nothing

Are you ready to join the next round of The Marriage MBA?

Complete the application to enroll and save your spot today!
Enroll Now

“I was at a point in my marriage where I felt I couldn't make a clear decision about what I wanted to do next.”

I am a busy woman - I have a busy coaching practice and am in a post-doctorate program and am often alone with my kiddo. I didn't prioritize taking the time to reflect on my relationship. I just knew it was another stressor on top of an already busy life.

I felt too caught up in the drama of the past, and felt a lot of resentment in my heart.
But I knew that whether I chose to stay in my marriage or not, that I wanted to be in a place where I felt I was coming from my most compassionate and wise self.

My goal with coaching was to get to that place.

Sure, I'm a Master Certified Coach and a meditator x 19+ years, but when you are IN it, it is so hard to self-coach. Like the saying goes: "If you think you're enlightened, ask your spouse." I'm pretty sure I knew what his answer would be;)

I did arrive at that place. I owned my role in what we created in our marriage, I stopped thinking that if my husband changed his thoughts and behaviors about me, THEN it would change how I felt.

I started to choose ME instead of always doing what would be least stressful for him and the rest of the family...and that took courage, because I thought I was the one who had to sacrifice to keep it all together.

I am able to open my heart and to understand more and have more compassion.

Now, I am in a place where I have chosen to stay, and I am also confident that if I ever felt I was not supported in living my best life that I could also make a decision from my most wise place to leave.

The thing I loved the most about our time together was having one hour a week for ME and to reflect on my marriage and be challenged from a place of love - Maggie has love for you.

Coaching with Maggie helped me choose me, choose balance, choose rest and joy and FUN in my life and biz - and lo-and-behold, my marriage also started to be easier.

We have a ways to go, but I am no longer in a place of fight or flight. I feel safe and know that I have my own back.

I can feel my compassionate heart again and that it is starting to open again to the man I chose as my partner. I feel!

Thank you Maggie, for holding the strong, loving space to challenge my limiting belief about me, my relationship, and what was possible.

- Ana

There’s one more thing I want to chat with you about before you go... imagine 6 months from now.

Because if you join the next class of The Marriage MBA, your relationship will look a whole lot different by then.

If you’re reading this today it’s likely that whatever situation brought you to this page did not begin yesterday. But research tells us most people spend 6 YEARS struggling in their marriages before they look for support.

Instead of spending another 6 months struggling—or settling—with your marriage as it is now, how would you feel if you...

  • Had re-established a close and FUN relationship with your partner
  • Consistently made decisions about how you showed up in your marriage from your most compassionate and wise self
  • Were able to resolve disagreements quickly and without resentment
  • Felt like a stronger person than how you feel today
  • Trusted yourself at a deeper level than ever before and knew how to build strong relationships THROUGHOUT your life

Because The Marriage MBA isn’t just about helping you be more clear and confident about how you want to handle whatever is happening in your marriage right now.

It’s about equipping you with the mindset, tools and knowledge you need to build a thriving, 5-star marriage and expand your capacity for a lifetime of happiness.

Ready to make that kind of shift?

Enroll Now


Questions answered and ready to apply?

Join the next round of The Marriage MBA

We meet weekly and work together for 6 months starting in the Fall.
Investment: A one-time payment of $5,000
Enroll Now

“It really is a five star relationship and I feel more confident about our future and more loving towards my husband.”

I wanted to be able to stop arguing with my husband. I wanted to feel more in control of my emotions and feel more stable. I wanted to be able to slow down and not have blow outs all the time. I wanted to save my marriage.  

All of these things happened!

I feel less like I am on a mountain road and more like I am floating on a gentle river with my emotions.  

My marriage is the best it has ever been. It really is a five star relationship and I feel more confident about our future and more loving towards my husband.

I am able to slow down and our blow outs rarely happen any more. I now know how to handle disagreements and have tools that I can lean on and use for myself and my emotions. 

I have really stepped into the woman who has experienced trauma but it doesn't run my life anymore.

- Jewelle Bejjavarapu